This article aims to provide insight into the steps involved in the technical examination. This follows a fixed process that is always the same according to CSA criteria 2.8 to 2.21. and ensures that ...
This article aims to provide insight into the steps involved in the technical examination. This follows a fixed process that is always the same according to CSA criteria 2.8 to 2.21. and ensures that ...
Dieser Artikel soll Einblicke in die einzelnen Schritte der technischen Prüfung geben. Diese folgt einem immer gleichen, festen Ablauf entsprechend der CSA-Kriterien 2.8 bis 2.21. und stellt sicher, d...
The Certified Senders Alliance certifies email senders on the basis of publicly accessible and viewable legal and technical criteria. Although these and all other regulations are freely accessible on ...
I have recently been reminded that our CSA domains are not fully DMARC-enabled. So, I started my very first DMARC journey ever. Let me take you on this journey about theory vs. reality! Your benefits...
I have recently been reminded that our CSA domains are not fully DMARC-enabled. So, I started my very first DMARC journey ever. Let me take you on this journey about theory vs. reality! Your benefits...
.codeblock{ display: block; background-color:transparent; width:100%;} .codeblock div{ text-indent:-2em;padding-left:2em;word-break:break-all;background-color: lightgray; color: black; width...
.codeblock{ display: block; background-color:transparent; width:100%;} .codeblock div{ text-indent:-2em;padding-left:2em;word-break:break-all;background-color: lightgrey; color: black; width...
Im E-Mail-Marketing werden überwiegend E-Mail-Service Provider für die technische Erstellung und den Versand von E-Mails genutzt. Die Inhalte und Kampagnen werden jedoch von einer Marke entwickelt ...
In email marketing, email service providers are predominantly used for the technical creation and sending of emails. However, the content and campaigns are developed and created by a brand. Reputab...
Die CSA (Certified Senders Alliance) und Abusix arbeiten ab sofort zusammen, um die E-Mail-Sicherheit für Empfänger zu erhöhen und die Zustellbarkeit für CSA-Versender zu verbessern. Die Kooperationsv...