Yes, that sounds a bit strange at first; after all, at some point we spent (a lot of) money on the individual contact. And yes, everyone would like to have a large newsletter distribution list because...
Yes, that sounds a bit strange at first; after all, at some point we spent (a lot of) money on the individual contact. And yes, everyone would like to have a large newsletter distribution list because...
The sender of newsletters or other promotional emails must always be aware that recipients, at some stage, may no longer wish to receive promotional mailings and may unsubscribe. In this article, w...
Ja, das klingt im ersten Moment etwas merkwürdig, haben wir doch irgendwann (viel) Geld für den einzelnen Kontakt ausgegeben. Und ja, jeder hätte gerne einen großen Newsletter-Verteiler, weil man dami...