What does the eco Complaints Office do? The eco Complaints Office has been fighting illegal content on the Internet since 1996. It is embedded in the system of regulated self-regulation and...
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Datentransfer in die USA: Neue Standardvertragsklauseln der EU-Kommission bieten keine umfassende Sicherheit Die Problematik des „Internationalen Datentransfers“ aus Sicht der DSGVO hatten wir schon ...

Data transfer to the USA: New standard contractual clauses of the EU Commission do not provide comprehensive security We had already addressed the issue of “international data transfer” from the pers...

Die Europäische Kommission hat nun doch in letzter Minute einen Angemessenheitsbeschluss für den Datentransfer mit Großbritannien erlassen. Über die Entwicklung hatten wir bereits in unserem Blog beri...

At the last minute, the European Commission has now adopted an adequacy decision for data transfers with the UK. We had already reported on this development in our blog: Brexit: How does data transfer...
Cross-border data transfer as subject to data protection regulations; both national and international. While transferring personal data within the EU is clearly and strictly regulated by the GDPR, ...
Cross-border data transfer as subject to data protection regulations; both national and international. While transferring personal data within the EU is clearly and strictly regulated by the GDPR, ...

Der Brexit bedeutet in Sachen Datenschutzregelungen einen Ausstieg in Stufen. Er war und ist daher gekennzeichnet von Übergangsregelungen. Welche Regelungen wurden bisher getroffen? Großbritannien w...

Brexit entails an exit in stages in terms of data protection regulations. It was and is, therefore, characterised by transitional arrangements. What arrangements have been made so far? The UK contin...

Was war geschehen? Ende 2019 verhängte die deutsche Datenschutzbehörde das bis dahin höchste in Deutschland verhängte Bußgeld in Höhe von knapp 10 Millionen Euro gegen die 1&1 Telecommunication S...