I have recently been reminded that our CSA domains are not fully DMARC-enabled. So, I started my very first DMARC journey ever. Let me take you on this journey about theory vs. reality! Your benefits...
Suchergebnis für: Decision
Following a long period of inactivity on the topic, the German Federal Court of Justice (BGH) got to grips once more with the subject of email marketing. In its judgment of 01.02.2018 - III ZR 196/17,...
Es gibt viele Gründe, warum E-Mails im Spam landen oder ganz blockiert werden und somit den Empfänger nicht, wie erhofft, erreichen. Aus meiner langjährigen Erfahrung bei der CSA, kann ich sagen, dass...
How can commercial senders of email get the most out of email as a marketing tool? What do commercial senders of email need to know in order to get the most out of email as a communication and market...
Die Europäische Kommission hat nun doch in letzter Minute einen Angemessenheitsbeschluss für den Datentransfer mit Großbritannien erlassen. Über die Entwicklung hatten wir bereits in unserem Blog beri...
Cross-border data transfer as subject to data protection regulations; both national and international. While transferring personal data within the EU is clearly and strictly regulated by the GDPR, ...
The CSA Digital Email Summit 2021 will once again gather the best minds in the industry online. Year after year, the CSA welcomes advertisers and email and Internet service providers to the CSA Ema...
A short historical review Since email exists, it has been the goal to get it delivered to the recipient and destination – today we just call it “the inbox”. With the ongoing evolution of email, it...