A short historical review Since email exists, it has been the goal to get it delivered to the recipient and destination – today we just call it “the inbox”. With the ongoing evolution of email, it...
Suchergebnis für: EMail
Major companies like Google, Microsoft and Yahoo have been working together to help reduce spam and help branding measures in just one move. But how does a single brand reduce spam and implement such ...
The past year 2020 will be added to the history books as the COVID-19 pandemic year. The new year just started will still be heavily influenced by the sudden outbreak of this global challenge and the ...
The question you may have been asked a lot over the past few years or you asked this question yourself: “What is Spam?” Simple question but a very complex answer based on a variety of dependenci...
The CSApi is an open API service for certified senders. The purpose is to automate deliverability, performance, and feedback data provided by the CSA Mailbox Provider partners. The CSApi is the fou...
Like all businesses, we face the same global pandemic and we are united in the challenges it poses but also the solutions we can bring to the table. At Verizon Media, we are focused on solving prob...
Was Unternehmen als E-Mail-Versender jetzt ,beachten müssen Geschäfte geschlossen, Restaurants zu, Hotels leer, die Corona-Pandemie hat Deutschland in den letzten Wochen weitgehend zum Stillstand geb...
ESPs sind mehr als bloße Versender – Expertenwissen gratis beim CSA Digital Email Summit 2020 Seit vor mehr als 30 Jahren die erste elektronische Post verschickt wurde, ist sie auch fester Bestandt...
The workshop series "Legal Insights" deals with the legal requirements for email marketing. The requirements of the GDPR and the e-Privacy Directive are presented in a practical manner and with ref...
Der Workshop “Legal” behandelt die wichtigsten rechtlichen Themen in Bezug auf den Versand von kommerziellen E-Mails unter Berücksichtigung der aktuellen Rechtsprechung und Rechtslage. Es werden di...