Protecting your domains against email abuse and phishing and meeting the authentication requirements from email providers (such as Google & Yahoo) has become easier than ever. Whether you implement it yourself using our platform or via a project with our implementation experts. Stop wasting time and avoid costly DMARC implementation errors.
By helping European organisations implement DMARC via our DMARC SaaS platform, we contribute to making email safer for everyone on the internet. We are proud to have a 100% guaranteed success rate when implementing DMARC together with some of the largest organisations.
Our platform receives and sorts through all the mail from your domain with the most accurate and enriched data compared to other DMARC vendors. Our system identifi es more than 2800 senders, and this number increases every week.
Some of the benefits of our platform:
- Sender Documentation: Document your whole outbound email structure per domain in a central place - clear and straightforward.
- Domain Management: while having many domains in our platform, it provides structure and a clear overview while implementing email security protocols.
- DMARC Management: save tremendous amounts of time to make DNS changes in one central place, and in bulk.
- SPF Management: Automatically fl atten your SPF records - with logging - and say goodbye to too many DNS lookups (more than 10/10).
- Change Management: Maintain maximum control over DNS changes that impact your email protection and delivery. Assign different roles to different change proposals. This makes it the most secure, controllable and manageable way of implementing DNS changes.
DMARC Manager Guide
Discover our complete platform guide and tips & tricks for email authentication protocols.
DMARC Advisor Account
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Sören Trebesch