Der Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) hat sich nach längerer Zeit wieder mit dem Thema E-Mail- Marketing beschäftigt. In seinem Urteil vom 01.02.2018 – III ZR 196/17 hat der BGH nun entschieden, dass sich eine ...
Der Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) hat sich nach längerer Zeit wieder mit dem Thema E-Mail- Marketing beschäftigt. In seinem Urteil vom 01.02.2018 – III ZR 196/17 hat der BGH nun entschieden, dass sich eine ...
Following a long period of inactivity on the topic, the German Federal Court of Justice (BGH) got to grips once more with the subject of email marketing. In its judgment of 01.02.2018 - III ZR 196/17,...
5. Tracking and profiling 5.1 Overview In email marketing, the user behaviour of recipients is measured and analysed to measure the success of email campaigns. This measurement and analysis serves...
3. Legal notice The legal notice is an important pillar in the design of emails sent for business purposes. Nevertheless, it can be observed that it is often not designed in a legally effective m...
2. Permission What does the term “permission” actually mean in connection with the lawful sending of commercial emails? The term “permission” means that there is a legally defined state of per...
Following a long period of inactivity on the topic, the German Federal Court of Justice (BGH) got to grips once more with the subject of email marketing. In its judgment of 01.02.2018 -III ZR 196/17, ...
Problemaufriss Kürzlich hat sich der Bundesgerichthof (BGH) mit der Frage befasst, ob eine vorformulierte Einwilligungserklärung „konkret“ genug war, um als Ermächtigung für die Zusendung von werblic...
The issue in brief Recently, the German Federal High Court of Justice (BGH) looked at the question of whether a pre-formulated declaration of consent was “concrete” enough to serve as permission for ...
Recently, the German Federal High Court of Justice (BGH) looked at the question of whether a pre-formulated declaration of consent was “concrete” enough to serve as permission for the sending of comme...
The German Federal Court of Justice (BGH) announced an important verdict (I ZR208/12) on the (im)permissibility of recommendation emails on 12 September 2013. The circumstances the BGH examined were a...