Mailjet SAS
Due to violations of the CSA regulations the email sender is temporarily excluded from the whitelist.
Certified since
02 April 2014
Julia Janssen-Holldiek
Director Certified Senders Alliance
The certification guarantees in particular the following
- As a rule, no spam filtering at the mailbox providers and technology partners of the CSA, ensuring a higher inbox placement rate
- In principle, full compliance with international email marketing law
- Effective early-warning system through the CSA complaint management and daily spam trap reports
An excerpt from the CSA quality standards
- Emailing only with legally compliant permission
- Reference given with every email as to how to unsubscribe
- Legal notice in every email
- DKIM signature for securing authentication (protection from spam and phishing)
- SPF (protect from fake email sender addresses)
- X-CSA-Complaints Header for a quick and easy way to make a complaint
- Constant monitoring through the CSA
For the complete CSA regulations, please click here.
Are you an email sender who is interested in the benefits of a certification as well as contributing to the improvement of the quality of commercial emails?
Please contact us. We will be happy to assist you.
+49 (221) 70 00 48-0