Meet us at the Global Sender Summit in Amsterdam. MailerQ and 250ok, two of our long-time CSA Summit supporters, present the Global Sender Summit, a one-day gathering of serious and educated email ...
Search Results for: CSA Email Summit
The CSA Summit will be held for the sixth time in 2019. Here, international experts will support marketers and technical experts through a wide range of inputs on the topic of email. Some topics will ...
Message from the Certified Senders Alliance supported by AOL, Microsoft and Google In the following article we want to clarify why marketers should implement DMARC (1) as protection against phishing...
At the CSA Email Summit in April, Yahoo shared their early experiences with the new sender requirements implementation, introduced last year in collaboration with Google. Both Yahoo and Google have si...
Eine gute Reputation, relevante Inhalte und konsequente Listenhygiene sind die Basis Gute Vorsätze gehören zum Jahreswechsel wie Feuerwerk und „Dinner for One“, meist bleiben sie aber das, was sie si...
The workshop series "Legal Insights" deals with the legal requirements for email marketing. The requirements of the GDPR and the e-Privacy Directive are presented in a practical manner and with ref...
The protection of your data at and I. General The Certified Senders Alliance is a service from eco – Association of the Internet Industry, Lichtstr...