What is a spamtrap and what is it good for? Who operates spamtraps & how to avoid spamtraps?
What is a spamtrap and what is it good for? Who operates spamtraps & how to avoid spamtraps?
In order to increase the quality of the sendings, brands often choose to work with anemail service provider (ESP) instead of sending the emails on their own. The ESP thenasks the brand to set up SPF, ...
Delivering legitimate emails to the inbox is no longer a given, and this is no secret to senders: without regularly monitoring performance and reputation, there’s a risk that email campaigns won’t ach...
Founded in 2012 by a primary author of the DMARC specification, dmarcian is dedicated to upgrading the world’s email by making DMARC accessible to all with superior tooling, educational resources, ...
The Certified Senders Alliance (CSA) is supported by leading companies committed to improving the email ecosystem. Our supporters complement the CSA offering with the provision of their tools or se...
Effective email communication is important, especially with the prevalence of cyber threats and spam. A key part of this is feedback loops, which create a helpful relationship between senders and rece...
At the CSA Email Summit in April, Yahoo shared their early experiences with the new sender requirements implementation, introduced last year in collaboration with Google. Both Yahoo and Google have si...
The CSA Certification Monitor is a unique tool that provides certified senders with valuable insights into the deliverability of their emails. By using exclusive data from mailbox and securi...
In the last article, we took a closer look at the combined trend charts in the statistics section. The underlying raw data of the mailbox providers is not new, but the KPIs are now displayed in relati...
After looking at the Inbox Placement Benchmark in the last article, I would like to take a closer look at the combined trend charts in the statistics section in this article. A few weeks ago, we publi...