5. Tracking and profiling 5.1 Overview In email marketing, the user behaviour of recipients is measured and analysed to measure the success of email campaigns. This measurement and analysis serves...
Search Results for: Tracking
Die Ausgangssituation: Der Versender einer E-Mail bzw. eines Newsletters möchte das Verhalten von E-Mail-Empfängern mittels Tracking auswerten. Welche Daten werden beim Messen und Analysieren von Nu...
The starting point: The sender of an email or newsletter wants to evaluate the behaviour of email recipients using tracking. Which data is actually evaluated when measuring and analysing user behavi...
In today’s fast-paced digital world, capturing and maintaining user attention through email is both an art and a science. Since email remains one of the most direct and personal ways to communicate wi...
The CSA introduces the latest edition of the Directive for Permissible Email Marketing Its time has now come: The latest edition of the CSA Directive for Permissible Email Marketing has been publishe...
2. Permission What does the term “permission” actually mean in connection with the lawful sending of commercial emails? The term “permission” means that there is a legally defined state of per...
In email marketing, email service providers are predominantly used for the technical creation and sending of emails. However, the content and campaigns are developed and created by a brand. Reputab...
How can commercial senders of email get the most out of email as a marketing tool? What do commercial senders of email need to know in order to get the most out of email as a communication and market...
The CSA Digital Email Summit 2021 will once again gather the best minds in the industry online. Year after year, the CSA welcomes advertisers and email and Internet service providers to the CSA Ema...
A short historical review Since email exists, it has been the goal to get it delivered to the recipient and destination – today we just call it “the inbox”. With the ongoing evolution of email, it...