What companies now have to consider when communicating by email with their customers Shops have closed, restaurants too, hotels are empty – the Corona pandemic has brought many regions to a virtual s...


The workshop “Legal” covers the most important regulatory themes in relation to the sending of commercial emails, taking the current law and legal situation into account. Legalities and illegalitie...


The workshop “Deliverability” offers, as the name suggests, training in the technical and operative areas of Email Marketing. This workshop will provide you with an overview of the fundamentals and...


We created the Smart Inbox as a way for users to spend less time managing their emails and more time focusing on the important things in life - which definitely shouldn't include organizing emails ...


What companies now have to consider when communicating by email with their customers Shops have closed, restaurants too, hotels are empty – the Corona pandemic has brought many regions to a virtual s...


Meet us at the Global Sender Summit in Amsterdam. MailerQ and 250ok, two of our long-time CSA Summit supporters, present the Global Sender Summit, a one-day gathering of serious and educated email ...


Since its emergence, the email has established itself as a fast and uncomplicated communication medium. Alongside pure text, the email is also suitable for quickly exchanging small files like text doc...


For further information visit the event website! Meet the CSA-Team at the Litmus Live London. Contact us via info@certified-senders.org.


M3AAWG meetings, which are open to members only, are multiple-track events held three times a year and generally attended by more than 300 participants. Leading industry experts, researchers and publi...
