The question you may have been asked a lot over the past few years or you asked this question yourself: “What is Spam?” Simple question but a very complex answer based on a variety of dependenci...


Was Unternehmen als E-Mail-Versender jetzt ,beachten müssen Geschäfte geschlossen, Restaurants zu, Hotels leer, die Corona-Pandemie hat Deutschland in den letzten Wochen weitgehend zum Stillstand geb...


What companies now have to consider when communicating by email with their customers Shops have closed, restaurants too, hotels are empty – the Corona pandemic has brought many regions to a virtual s...


What companies now have to consider when communicating by email with their customers Shops have closed, restaurants too, hotels are empty – the Corona pandemic has brought many regions to a virtual s...


What is a spamtrap and what is it good for? Who operates spamtraps & how to avoid spamtraps?
