Black Friday and the Christmas season is typically a busy time for e-commerce businesses, leading to a significant increase in email volume. The numbers for Spam Trap Hits, Spam Complaints, Email Volu...


Yes, that sounds a bit strange at first; after all, at some point we spent (a lot of) money on the individual contact. And yes, everyone would like to have a large newsletter distribution list because...


  The CSA certifies senders of commercial email who adhere to high quality standards. CSA certification gives you deliverability advantages with international mailbox and spam filter providers...


Numerous certifications exist in a wide range of fields. All certifications have one thing in common: they confirm compliance with specified standards and requirements with the aim of creating trust....


The CSApi is an open API service for certified senders. The purpose is to automate deliverability, performance, and feedback data provided by the CSA Mailbox Provider partners. The CSApi is the fou...


The workshop “Legal” covers the most important regulatory themes in relation to the sending of commercial emails, taking the current law and legal situation into account. Legalities and illegalitie...


The workshop “Deliverability” offers, as the name suggests, training in the technical and operative areas of Email Marketing. This workshop will provide you with an overview of the fundamentals and...


Email marketing is still one of the most successful and popular marketing tools. In addition to the technical standards, legal requirements must also be met. Since the new DSGVO, violations can res...
