This article aims to provide insight into the steps involved in the technical examination. This follows a fixed process that is always the same according to CSA criteria 2.8 to 2.21. and ensures that ...


The Certified Senders Alliance certifies email senders on the basis of publicly accessible and viewable legal and technical criteria. Although these and all other regulations are freely accessible on ...


6. Special aspects in other countries 6.1 Scope of application of the GDPR According to Art. 3 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the GDPR applies to all companies that have their r...


3. Legal notice The legal notice is an important pillar in the design of emails sent for business purposes. Nevertheless, it can be observed that it is often not designed in a legally effective m...


2. Permission What does the term “permission” actually mean in connection with the lawful sending of commercial emails? The term “permission” means that there is a legally defined state of per...


1. Foreword Law and trust “You are talking to the devil,” the representative of an Internet service provider told us when we presented our plans to launch the Certified Senders Alliance (CSA) at a...
