Data transfer to the USA: New standard contractual clauses of the EU Commission do not provide comprehensive security We had already addressed the issue of “international data transfer” from the pers...
Data transfer to the USA: New standard contractual clauses of the EU Commission do not provide comprehensive security We had already addressed the issue of “international data transfer” from the pers...
At the last minute, the European Commission has now adopted an adequacy decision for data transfers with the UK. We had already reported on this development in our blog: Brexit: How does data transfer...
A series of articles on the background to individual CSA criteria In this series of articles, we look at selected CSA criteria and provide information on their benefits and the reasoning behind them....
Cross-border data transfer as subject to data protection regulations; both national and international. While transferring personal data within the EU is clearly and strictly regulated by the GDPR, ...
Cross-border data transfer as subject to data protection regulations; both national and international. While transferring personal data within the EU is clearly and strictly regulated by the GDPR, ...
The CSA Digital Email Summit 2021 will once again gather the best minds in the industry online. Year after year, the CSA welcomes advertisers and email and Internet service providers to the CSA Ema...
Der Brexit bedeutet in Sachen Datenschutzregelungen einen Ausstieg in Stufen. Er war und ist daher gekennzeichnet von Übergangsregelungen. Welche Regelungen wurden bisher getroffen? Großbritannien w...
Brexit entails an exit in stages in terms of data protection regulations. It was and is, therefore, characterised by transitional arrangements. What arrangements have been made so far? The UK contin...
Numerous certifications exist in a wide range of fields. All certifications have one thing in common: they confirm compliance with specified standards and requirements with the aim of creating trust....
Where did this begin? At the end of 2019, the German data protection authority imposed the highest fine to date in Germany, amounting to almost 10 million Euro, on 1&1 Telecommunication SE. The r...