The workshop “Deliverability” offers, as the name suggests, training in the technical and operative areas of Email Marketing. This workshop will provide you with an overview of the fundamentals and...


Whether a mailbox provider delivers an email to the inbox or classifies it as spam depends mainly on the reputation of a sender. Reputation is determined by a variety of factors. In this webinar, y...


After looking at the Inbox Placement Benchmark in the last article, I would like to take a closer look at the combined trend charts in the statistics section in this article. A few weeks ago, we publi...


Nachdem wir uns im letzten Beitrag das Inbox Placement Benchmark angesehen haben, möchte ich in diesem Artikel genauer auf die kombinierten Trendgrafiken im Statistikbereich eingehen. Bereits vor ein ...


A few weeks ago, we released the latest version of the Certification Monitor. This update includes the following points: Benchmark – Deviation Inbox Placement – allows you to compare the deviatio...
