A good reputation, relevant content, and consistent list hygiene are the basis Resolutions belong to the New Year like fireworks and cava, but most of the time they remain what they are – just resolu...


DMARC stands for: Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance: domain-based message authentication, reporting and conformance of messages. The background to DMARC.org is to incre...


In the first place, what is phishing? Phishing is an invented word cobbled out of the two words “password” and “fishing”. Criminals use fake emails to try to obtain personal data – in particular logi...


Commissioning a mail server is initially not terribly complicated, but at the latest when it comes to keeping an eye on your reputation, or if you want to implement authentication measures like SPF (S...


Commissioning a mail server is initially not terribly complicated, but at the latest when it comes to keeping an eye on your reputation, or if you want to implement authentication measures like SPF (S...
