The CSApi is an open API service for certified senders. The purpose is to automate deliverability, performance, and feedback data provided by the CSA Mailbox Provider partners. The CSApi is the fou...


The CSApi is an open API service for certified senders. The purpose is to automate deliverability, performance, and feedback data provided by the CSA Mailbox Provider partners. The CSApi is the fou...


Like all businesses, we face the same global pandemic and we are united in the challenges it poses but also the solutions we can bring to the table. At Verizon Media, we are focused on solving prob...


Like all businesses, we face the same global pandemic and we are united in the challenges it poses but also the solutions we can bring to the table. At Verizon Media, we are focused on solving prob...


Im rechtlichen Teil des CSA Blogs werden wir über Gerichtsurteile nationaler europäischer Gerichte sowie Entscheidungen des EuGH (europäischen Gerichtshofes) berichten, die für CSA Versender und den E...


In our new Blog, we will report on the decisions of European national courts and the European Court of Justice (ECJ) that are relevant for CSA Senders and the field of email marketing. Other topics wi...


Was Unternehmen als E-Mail-Versender jetzt ,beachten müssen Geschäfte geschlossen, Restaurants zu, Hotels leer, die Corona-Pandemie hat Deutschland in den letzten Wochen weitgehend zum Stillstand geb...
