Improve the delivery & deliverability of your commercial emails: Increase your inbox placement rate and reduce the impact of spam filtering on your communication. Protect yourself against legal an...


The CSA Summit will be held for the sixth time in 2019. Here, international experts will support marketers and technical experts through a wide range of inputs on the topic of email. Some topics will ...


In practice, CSA senders and their customers are faced with the problem that a recipient of an email (= data subject) can demand the deletion of their data, while at the same time the possibility exis...


In its decision from 15.02.2018 (Az.: 29U2799/17), the Higher Regional Court in Munich needed to deal with the question of whether the sending of a marketing email is permissible from the operator of ...


In the first place, what is phishing? Phishing is an invented word cobbled out of the two words “password” and “fishing”. Criminals use fake emails to try to obtain personal data – in particular ...


In the first place, what is phishing? Phishing is an invented word cobbled out of the two words “password” and “fishing”. Criminals use fake emails to try to obtain personal data – in particular logi...


Bounce management or bounce handling refers to the processing of returns, also known as non-delivery notification or non-delivery report (NDN or NDR), in email transmission. The aim is to remove unrea...


The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will introduce numerous changes, with implications for the widest range of sectors. You can gain an overview of some of the possible consequences...
