Eine gute Reputation, relevante Inhalte und konsequente Listenhygiene sind die Basis Gute Vorsätze gehören zum Jahreswechsel wie Feuerwerk und „Dinner for One“, meist bleiben sie aber das, was sie si...
Eine gute Reputation, relevante Inhalte und konsequente Listenhygiene sind die Basis Gute Vorsätze gehören zum Jahreswechsel wie Feuerwerk und „Dinner for One“, meist bleiben sie aber das, was sie si...
Please fill in the online form below. Additional company information Full company name (incl. legal entity)* Your email address* Website* Information given by*...
BIMI is an acronym of Brand Indicators for Message Identification. It is an open standardcreated jointly by several big players in the email market, such as Google, VerizonMedia/Yahoo, and Linkedin. ...
Meet us at the Global Sender Summit in Amsterdam. MailerQ and 250ok, two of our long-time CSA Summit supporters, present the Global Sender Summit, a one-day gathering of serious and educated email ...
Consent for the sending of marketing emails is only valid if the statement of purpose issufficiently specific and the consent is given based on an understanding of the situation.However, there are fre...
The CSA is a network of email senders and recipients. Please feel free to contact the CSA if you are of the opinion that there is a lack of clarity concerning any legal or technical issues in the send...
First and foremost, notifications of spam trap hits serve to keep the certified email service providers informed. On the basis of the notifications, the provider should check the quality of the list b...
A notification is a warning that something has gone wrong and that the legal compliance in sending emails or the technical deliverability could be endangered in the future. It is intended as an opport...
For over 20 years now, the eco Complaints Office has been fighting successfully against illegal content on the Internet, among other things through work in various collaborations, initiatives, and com...
Yes, please send an email to: info@certified-senders.org In this email, please specify: - Error messages from the mailbox provider (bounce message with complete/extended header) - When the erro...