A short historical review Since email exists, it has been the goal to get it delivered to the recipient and destination – today we just call it “the inbox”. With the ongoing evolution of email, it...


The workshop “Legal” covers the most important regulatory themes in relation to the sending of commercial emails, taking the current law and legal situation into account. Legalities and illegalitie...


The workshop “Deliverability” offers, as the name suggests, training in the technical and operative areas of Email Marketing. This workshop will provide you with an overview of the fundamentals and...


Email marketing is still one of the most successful and popular marketing tools. In addition to the technical standards, legal requirements must also be met. Since the new DSGVO, violations can res...


Whether a mailbox provider delivers an email to the inbox or classifies it as spam depends mainly on the reputation of a sender. Reputation is determined by a variety of factors. In this webinar, y...


Wozu überhaupt IPv6? IPv4 ermöglicht ca. 4 Milliarden Adressen, von denen ca. 3,7 Milliarden Adressen nutzbar sind. Dieser Adressraum wird immer knapper. Stand Ende Juni 2015 sind bei der ARIN ledigl...


IPv4 allows for around 4 billion addresses, of which 3.7 billion are usable. This address space is becoming increasingly exhausted. At the end of July 2015 only 160,000 IPv4 addresses were still avail...


Why was IPv6 developed? IPv4 allows for around 4 billion addresses, of which 3.7 billion are usable. This address space is becoming increasingly exhausted. At the end of July 2015 only 160,000 IPv4 a...
