The question you may have been asked a lot over the past few years or you asked this question yourself: “What is Spam?” Simple question but a very complex answer based on a variety of dependenci...


The CSApi is an open API service for certified senders. The purpose is to automate deliverability, performance, and feedback data provided by the CSA Mailbox Provider partners. The CSApi is the fou...


In our new Blog, we will report on the decisions of European national courts and the European Court of Justice (ECJ) that are relevant for CSA Senders and the field of email marketing. Other topics wi...


Higher open and click rates but also higher risks during the Covid-19 pandemic The Covid-19 pandemic is changing the way we communicate with each other, how we distribute and consume messages, how we...


What companies now have to consider when communicating by email with their customers Shops have closed, restaurants too, hotels are empty – the Corona pandemic has brought many regions to a virtual s...


Sending quality marketing emails is about more than just a pretty design – and finding the right service provider is an important step ESPs are more than just senders Ever since the first electronic...


The workshop “Deliverability” offers, as the name suggests, training in the technical and operative areas of Email Marketing. This workshop will provide you with an overview of the fundamentals and...


Whether a mailbox provider delivers an email to the inbox or classifies it as spam depends mainly on the reputation of a sender. Reputation is determined by a variety of factors. In this webinar, y...
