BIMI ist ein Akronym für Brand Indicators for Message Identification. Es handelt sich umeinen offenen Standard, der von mehreren großen Unternehmen im E-Mail-Markt wieGoogle, Verizon Media/Yahoo und L...


BIMI is an acronym of Brand Indicators for Message Identification. It is an open standardcreated jointly by several big players in the email market, such as Google, VerizonMedia/Yahoo, and Linkedin. ...


Once you’ve ruined your reputation, life gets a lot simpler. This might be the case for private individuals, but it’s a different story in business. Mail-order retailers, service providers, and the ba...


Seit ihrer Entstehung hat sich die E-Mail als schnelles und unkompliziertes Kommunikationsmedium etabliert. Neben reinem Text eignet sich die E-Mail auch, um schnell kleinere Dateien wie Textdokumente...


During complaint procedures, the question arises again and again as to whether the mailing in question is considered a transactional email or perhaps a newsletter. Answering this question can have a p...


Since its emergence, the email has established itself as a fast and uncomplicated communication medium. Alongside pure text, the email is also suitable for quickly exchanging small files like text doc...
